Tension-Migraine Headache Nutritional Support
Supplements intended to help re-occurrence of migraines and tension headaches.

Turmeric Root Extract: NfkB-modulation decreases cytokine production
Bee Propolis Extract: Flavonoids and caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) act as potent antioxidant and dampen 5-LOX and COX-1 and COX-2 enzyme activity
Skullcap: Antioxidant properties along with COX-2 enzyme inhibition
Antioxidant that your body produces naturally
Helps fight the effects of free radicals from damaged mitochondria
Magnesium (chelated)
Co-factor for over 350 enzymes in the body and nerve-to-nerve pain signaling, as well as muscle-relaxing effects
Vitamin D
Anti-inflammatory, proper neurotransmitter metabolism, immune balancing properties
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