This IV drip combining Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) (100mg), B Complex (B1/B2/B3/B5/B6 : 100/2/100/2/2 mg/ml), B6 Pyridoxine (200mg), and Taurine (150 mg) may help improve overall brain function, increase memory recall and improve certain aspects of learning. When we think fast, we speak fast; when we are able to slow our thinking and process information in a more intellectual/less emotionally charged state, we speak more rationally
Combining pyridoxine (B6), B complex, L-taurine and alpha-lipoic acid, this IV may help improve overall brain function, increase memory recall and improve certain aspects of learning. When we think fast, we speak fast; when we are able to slow our thinking and process information in a more intellectual/less emotionally charged state, we speak more rationally.
100 mg ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid)+B Complex(B1/B2/B3/B5/B6 : 100/2/100/2/2 mg/ml)
200 mg B6 Pyridoxine
150 mg Taurine
Patient Infusion Instructions
We look forward to seeing you for your alpha lipoic acid infusion. This infusion can cause low blood sugar. It is important that you eat prior to your infusion. A high protein and/or high fat snack or meal is best.
If you are diabetic, do not take any blood glucose lowering agents including insulin. You may take metformin, but you may need to decrease your dose the days following your infusion. A blood glucose finger stick may be done prior to your first infusion and at the discretion of the clinic thereafter. If you plan to receive frequent ALA infusions, there may be additional testing that is required to ensure you’re an appropriate candidate and to avoid any complications that may arise with frequent ALA infusions. This will be discussed with you in further detail if necessary.
ALA can lead to a B1 (thiamine) deficiency related to increased glucose metabolism. You will receive B complex infusion prior to your ALA infusions based on clinic protocol. It is also recommended that you take a B-complex vitamin if you are receiving ALA infusions regularly.
If you are diabetic, monitor your blood sugar carefully on the day of and between infusions. If you are on insulin, either short or long-acting, you may require much lower doses.
Alpha-lipoic Acid is an essential fatty acid. It is essential in the production of cellular energy due to its role as a co-factor in the Kreb’s cycle. It is also a powerful free radical scavenger, making it an extremely efficient antioxidant. It also regenerates other antioxidants through the donation of a molecule. Unlike Vitamin C, which is only water soluble, and Vitamin E which is only fat soluble, Alpha-lipoic acid is both a fat and water soluble antioxidant. This unique compound is able to enter all parts of the cell. It is able to penetrate the blood brain barrier and is even able to penetrate nerve cells. It is naturally occurring and is synthesized by the body. It can also be found in certain fruits and vegetables in small amounts. It improves oxygenation in all cells. Can be taken orally, but must be in the R-isomer form for greatest concentration. No difference in the R or S isomer forms when given intravenously.
Basic Information
Ala is a fatty acid that acts as one of the most important antioxidants in the body. At the cellular level it is essential in energy production and protecting your cells from free radical damage.
Athletic/Physical performance
Energy uses / Mitochondrial support
Weight/fat loss
Diabetes – glucose and insulin sensitivity
Diabetic neuropathy
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
Cardiovascular support
Hematologic oncologic/ Chemotherapy support
Ophthalmic support
Reproductive/fertility support
Women’s health – PCOS
Dermatologic support
Diabetic nephropathy
Diabetic retinopathy
Immunity support/ antimicrobial properties
Autoimmune conditions
Neurologic support
Burning Mouth Syndrome
Neurovascular – Migraine
Endocrine ( insulin sensitivity ) Anti-aging ( antioxidant ), Neurotransmitter Support ( mental clarity, brain fog ) Immune Support ( liver detoxification, replenishes glutathione levels ), Energy ( mitochondria function), Metabolism ( weight loss )Chelates mercury, arsenic and cadmium, Hepatitis – Hepatitis C, HIV, Myopathy, Radiation damage, Vitiligo, Taste disorders, Prevention and treatment of mushroom poisoning (amanita phalloides), Burning mouth syndrome
Possible Benefits
Endocrine support : ALA mimics insulin, which both improves glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. This leads to fewer carbohydrates being stored as fat cells and being utilized as energy instead as they are transported into the cell instead. May help improve diabetes, atherosclerotic plaque and even diabetic neuropathy ( through improved glucose utilization and Myelin sheath protection)
Anti-Aging/Neurotransmitter Support:ALA is an antioxidant and also plays a synergistic role in recharging other antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, CoQ10 and glutathione. Lipoic acid also plays a key role in supporting detoxification capacity.Studies have shown that a combination of ALA and ALC helps minimize oxidative damage.Oxidative stress causes damage to DNA, RNA, proteins,mitochondrial membranes and lipids, and contributes to the functional decline of mitochondria, cells, tissues and eventually organs such as the brain (helps improve mental clarity and reduce brain fog).
Immune Support:ALA is often referred to as the “universal antioxidant.” It serves vital functions at the cellular level, such as energy production and protecting your cells from damage. Increases cytotoxic effect of vitamin C.Potentiates and Regenerates Vitamin C,Glutathione, Vitamin D and COQ10
Energy/Metabolism:ALA also improves the conversion of carbs to energy, which means fewer carbohydrates are stored as fat cells. It is shown that when taken in combination with a calorie-controlled diet, Alpha lipoic acid supplementation has the potential to boost weight loss.
-Supplemental ALA readily absorbed orally
-Oral ALA has reduced therapeutic effect due to reduced solubility, lack of gastric stability, and hepatic degradation.
-IV ALA was detected for up to 2 hours and up to 4 hours with oral ALA administration (Salehi, 2019).
-Maximum plasma concentration of ALA was greater through IV than oral (Salehi, 2019).
AKA: The difference of oral vs IV is similar to the efficacy of getting to a place driving vs flying….
Therapy Monitoring recommendations
HgA1c: Measure average blood sugar
FBG: Blood glucose concentrations should be monitored closely when ALA supplementation is added to diabetes medication regimens.
Consider Oxidative stress panel/urine
Liver blood test for baseline values
Side Effects/Precautions
Ask a doctor, pharmacist, or another healthcare provider if it is safe for you to use this product if you have liver disease, diabetes (alpha lipoic acid can cause low blood sugar), thyroid disorder, thiamine deficiency (thiamine is a form of vitamin B), or if you drink large amounts of alcohol. It is important not to use this product without medical advice if you are pregnant or breastfeeding because it is unknown whether ALA will harm the unborn baby or pass into breast milk.Possible side effects includes low blood sugar ( headache, hunger, weakness, sweating, confusion, irritability, dizziness, tachycardia or feeling jittery) lightheadedness, nausea, skin rash, itching, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea