Individual Labs
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Individual Labs
General / Standard Labs
CBC with differential——————————-$15.00
CBC without differential ————————– $15.00
BMP————————————————– $27.00
CMP————————————————– $25.00
Renal Function Panel—————————— $29.00
Electrolyte Panel———————————– $22.00
Uric Acid ———————————————$16.00
Cystatin C with eGFR ——————————$49.00
Lipid Panel
Total Cholesterol ————————————$16.00
HDL Cholesterol ————————————-$29.00
LDL Cholesterol ————————————–$25.00
Triglycerides ——————————————$21.00
Lipid Panel with TG/HDL-C ————————-$47.00
Vitamins / Minerals / Supplements
Coenzyme Q10 ————————————–$25.00
Serum Folate—————————————– $30.00
Vitamin B12 ——————————————-$30.00
Vitamin D 25, OH————————————- $45.00
Magnesium——————————————- $15.00
Phosphorus——————————————- $19.00
Prealbumin ——————————————–$50.00
Vitamin B6 ———————————————$97.00
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) plasma/serum LC/MS——————————–$73.00
Immunology / Rheumatology
ANA Screen, IFA, with Reflex to Titer and Pattern———————$43.00
ANA Screen, IFA, with Reflex to Titer and Pattern/Lupus Panel 1—————–$310.00
ANA Screen, IFA, with Reflex to Titer and Pattern/Lupus Panel 2————————–$254.00
ANA Screen, IFA, with Reflex to Titer and Pattern/Lupus Panel ————————— $105.00
ANA Screen, IFA, with Reflex to Titer and Pattern/Rheumatoid Arthritis Panel 1————- $109.00
CK——————————————————- $24.00
G-6-PD ————————————————–$51.00
Anti-DsDNA AB, EIA ———————————- $56.00
Complement, (CH50)———————————- $95.00
Complement C3C4 ———————————– $82.00
Cardiolipin AB G/M/A ——————————— $93.00
RNP Antibody——————————————-$64.00
SM Antibody——————————————– $64.00
Rheumatoid Factor ————————————$21.00
Sjogren’s Antibodies ———————————–$127.00
CCP AB IGG ———————————————$51.00
Cardio IQ ™ HS-CRP ———————————–$46.00
Beta 2 GLY (G,A,M)————————————– $237.00
C-Reactive Protein (CRP)—————————— $19.00
Interleukin-6 (IL-6), Serum —————————– $116.00
Myeloperoxidase (MPO) ——————————–$121.00
Thyroid / Endocrine
TSH ——————————————————-$35.00
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody————————- $30.00
Thyroglobulin Antibody——————————– $35.00
Free T3—————————————————- $30.00
Free T4—————————————————- $20.00
HbA1C—————————————————- $20.00
Fasting Insulin——————————————- $20.00
Insulin Resistance Panel with Score —————–$148.00
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH), Intact —————— $147.00
Estradiol————————————————– $40.00
Estriol —————————————————–$76.00
Total Estrogen ——————————————-$74.00
FSH ——————————————————–$30.00
LH———————————————————- $30.00
Progesterone ———————————————$30.00
Testosterone, Total, NS ———————————-$30.00
SHBG——————————————————- $32.00
Complete testosterone : Free + Total + Bio + SHBG ——————————-$75.00
Total PSA ————————————————– $45.00
Total and free PSA ————————————— $131.00
DHEA-S—————————————————- $40.00
Total Cortisol———————————————– $58.00
Total Quantitative HCG (serum) ————————-$52.00
Epileptology/Misc Drug Monitoring
Lamotrigine ( Lamictal )———————————- $46.00
Lithium—————————————————— $24.00
Phenobarbital——————————————— $32.00
Phenytoin ————————————————– $47.00
Valproic Acid ———————————————– $34.00
SARS-CoV-2 Antibody (IgG), Nucleocapsid, Qualitative——————————– $85.00
SARS-CoV-2 Antibody (IgG), Spike, Semiquantitative———————————– $85.00
SARS-CoV-2 Antibody (IgG), Spike, Semiquantitative ———————————–$169.00
SARS-CoV-2 Total Antibody, Spike, Semi-Quantitative ———————————-$85.00
EBV AB Panel ———————————————–$49.00
Lyme Disease Antibody with Reflex to Immunoassay (IgG, IgM)—————— $71.00
Varicella-Zoster Virus Ab IgG—————————— $55.00
Varicella-Zoster Virus Ab IgM—————————— $46.00
Ferritin ——————————————————$25.00
Iron ———————————————————-$24.00
Iron + TIBC————————————————– $45.00
Erythropoietin ———————————————-$75.00
Factor V (Leiden)——————————————- $148.00
Prothrombin (Factor II)————————————- $168.00
MTHFR ——————————————————-$233.00
Alpha 1 Antitrypsin—————————————– $46.00
NT-Pro BNP ————————————————-$90.00
Troponin T, High Sensitivity——————————- $53.00
Digoxin——————————————————- $47.00
NAFLD / Hepatology / GI
Lipase——————————————————– $25.00
Liver Fibrosis, Fib-4 Index Panel ————————–$43.00
Liver Fibrosis, HFP with Fib-4 Index——————— $30.00
Total Bilirubin————————————————$19.00
Direct Bilirubin———————————————–$19.00
Urine Qualitative HCG————————————– $23.00
UA Micro ——————————————————$7.00
UA Macro—————————————————– $6.00
UA Reflex—————————————————– $6.00
UA Complete————————————————- $12.00